How to Use BookShark with a Kinesthetic Learner
By Melissa Batai
- Mar 12, 2019

I have three kids, and two of them are kids after my own heart. There is nothing the three of us love more than cuddling up on the couch and reading a good book aloud together. For us, using BookShark is homeschool perfection — the perfect fit.
My other child, however, is different. She wants to do things, not read about them. Although she will sit with us when we’re reading a book, it’s definitely not her favorite activity. Through the years, I’ve found ways to appeal to her kinesthetic learning style while still helping her reap the benefits of a book-based curriculum like BookShark.
Do Something During Read Aloud Time
My child seems to listen better when she’s doing something. If I can find one, I’ll print off a coloring sheet based on the book that we’re reading and let her color while I read. If I can’t find that, I’ll let her cross stitch or sew while she’s listening. If her hands are busy, she seems to absorb more. Find more tips here.
Write Instead of Answering Questions Aloud
If I ask my kinesthetic learner review questions after we read a section of a book aloud, she has to really struggle to answer. Now, I let her simply write a picture of what we read or write down a few things that she learned or found interesting, and she’s much happier.
Find Crafts that Fit What You're Reading
Pinterest is my friend here. For instance, next week we’ll start BookShark Level 1. The first read aloud is Charlotte’s Web, so I went to Pinterest and found a variety of activities for that classic novel. One I plan to use is letting my child make a spider’s web with pretzel sticks and white chocolate. This can be her Charlotte’s Web themed snack.
If you’re in Level 3, Intro to American History, Year 1 of 2, try some books by Laurie Carlson. More than Moccasins is a book that is filled with Native American crafts and activities which are perfect for a kinesthetic learner. Carlson has many books that cover a wide variety of historical periods.
Or rely on BookShark's Lap Book kits and Hands-on Kits for projects that are nearly as open-and-go as your Instructor's Guide.
Find Art Related to Your Reading
Since my daughter loves art, I’ve been on the hunt for related art projects. Later in Level 1, when we get into Roman times, I have found an activity for making a Roman mosaic.
There are other ways to find art that relates to the subject your reading besides using Pinterest. The books Draw and Write through History can help you find art projects specific to the historical period you are studying.
While my kinesthetic learner requires that I work a little harder to find fun activities to tie into our BookShark curriculum, I’m happy to do so because my other kids benefit from the activities, and my kinesthetic learner benefits from hearing the excellent literature scheduled in the BookShark programs.
About the Author
Melissa is a homeschool mom to three kids. BookShark is her primary curriculum, and she and her kids love it! When she's not homeschooling, she's either shuttling kids from one activity to another or working from home as a freelance writer. You can read more about Melissa's homeschool journey at her blog Moms Plans.