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Science F Instructor's Guide
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This comprehensive Instructor's Guide will:
- Eliminate the frustration and untold hours you could spend to plan, research, develop and sustain your own curriculum. We've done all of the heavy lifting for you.
- Save you from ever having to create another lesson plan. Never again stay up late or rise early, wondering what you’re going to teach next — all lesson plans are included.
- Keep your students right on schedule, so you know exactly where you should be. No more anxiety about pushing too hard or pacing the year too slowly — the IG shows you what to cover, every day.
- Serve as a roadmap that shows you where you’re going and exactly how to get there, yet offer the flexibility to accommodate diverse learning styles.
Includes one set of consumable Activity Sheets
The decision to homeschool our daughter, Alexa, was an easy one. Choosing a curriculum that worked well with her goals and schedule was a little more difficult.
Jenna Henning