Homeschool Moms Need Friends Too

two wooden chairs sit facing a turquoise ocean

“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” ? Linda Grayson

As a mom, have you ever felt

You’re not alone.

I think most women, especially those who are homeschooling, feel this way at one time or another. However, when these feelings hit you, do you grab your phone and call someone? Or do you play it safe and shut yourself off from the outside world?

It’s easy to turn away from others when we’re feeling alone. Afterall, we’re all crazy busy. It takes little effort to lose ourselves in the busyness of life. However, we need other women in our lives.

There are many days that homeschooling moms feel inadequate and overwhelmed. Homeschooling is hard! You are going against the grain, and that can wear on you. To counter this, it is crucial to surround yourself with encouraging people — those who support your decision to homeschool and can cheer you on when you need it.

But I Have My Family

Our families cannot fulfill every need we have.

Even if we have incredible husbands and children by our side supporting us, we also need friends who understand us, will let us rehash situations, and will tell us the truth when we need it.

We need friends to shop with, have coffee with, see chick flicks with, and cry and laugh with. We need people with whom we can truly be ourselves. This is important in helping us feel connected and grounded as women and as homeschooling moms.

Friendship Takes Time

Homeschool Moms Need Friends TooIt has become increasingly more difficult to forge new friendships in our modern lifestyle. Everyone is busy, and it takes time to develop connections. So often we just let it go. We tell ourselves that we don’t have time. Our life is full enough with our family and homeschooling commitments.

Many of us have people who we talk to every day online. And while this can help some of us feel connected, for others, it’s just not enough. We must invest time—face to face time—for friendships to grow and blossom into the supportive relationships that we all desperately need.

How do you develop and foster these types of relationships?

Start small. Don’t expect too much, too soon. Find someone that you have something in common with, and make time to do something together. Put each other on your calendars. Check in and support one another. Have fun together.

Ask someone to:

  • go for a walk, take a yoga class, or do else active

  • get coffee

  • discuss a book you’ve both read

  • grab lunch

  • go to a movie

  • check out a farmer’s market

  • volunteer for a cause you both support

I know you’re busy and that most days you’re stretched to the limit. But I want to encourage you to carve out time for friends. Make plans that don’t involve your children.

It will take time. It may not always work. But you and your family will be thankful that you put in the effort.

I’m off to have lunch with a friend!

See BookShark Reading with History Programs
