A photo of Roxanne Raiche

Roxanne Raiche

Roxanne Raiche is a book hoarding, coffee loving, homeschooling mama of three in Iron Mountain, Michigan. She is the voice behind Blushing Bibliophile.

How Homeschooling Helps Me Manage My Bipolar Disorder

seen from the back, a mom has her arm around a child; both sit facing a body of water

vAnxiety... Depression...Bipolar disorder...

Although millions of people have been diagnosed with these mental illnesses, there is still a stigma attached to having them. At the age of 15, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and for years I let that label control my life. I lived in constant fear that someone outside of my family would find out about my mental health struggles and hold it against me or question everything I do as a parent especially since I homeschool.

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How to Manage Multiple BookShark Programs in a Single School Year

a BookShark binder peeks outside a colorful woven tote

This year my family will be using three BookShark programs with my three children. Yes, you read that right—three separate levels: Level 3, Level 7, and Level 100. Homeschooling multiple children all on different levels can be a daunting task, but don’t let that discourage you from starting this new and worthwhile adventure. If I can do it, so can you. Here's how I manage multiple BookShark programs in one year.

When ordering your BookShark program, the customization tab offers a variety of choices and add-on options. I recommend taking your time when making these selections and purchasing the recommended supplements that your children can complete on their own or with little supervision from you, the parent.

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