A photo of BookShark Homeschool Curriculum

BookShark Homeschool Curriculum

You chose to homeschool so you can have the family life you imagine—full of good books, interesting discussions, laughter, and inside jokes. You want a flexible lifestyle that lets you sleep to a reasonable hour, sneak in some me-time, and still have energy to get the kids to their clubs, rehearsals, and co-ops. 

BookShark’s 4-day, literature-rich curriculum allows for this lifestyle while giving your kids a top-notch education so they can accomplish their dreams. 

Use it as scheduled in the 36-week Instructor’s Guide, or do your own thing and skip around, enjoying the books and hands-on Science activities whenever and however you like! Learn more: download samples or request a catalog.

Teaching Math When You’re Not a Math Whiz (& When You Are)

a teen works with a ruler and pencil in a notebook

I could see the tears welling up in my eight year old’s eyes. We were on day three of trying to learn subtraction with borrowing, and we were getting nowhere fast. My frustration was boiling over, and his desire to learn was nonexistent by this point. We had reached a stalemate, and I had no clue to the next step.

Teaching kids brings its own challenges, but the most challenging aspect is when you have a learning mismatch.

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Homeschool Impostor Syndrome: Six Tips to Regain Your Confidence

a woman wearing a green v-neck shirt covers her head with a cardboard box on which is drawn a distressed face

During the school year, homeschoolers in public stick out like a sore thumb. We’re the only ones in the warehouse club, leading small, elementary-age armies through a minefield of produce. We’re the only ones in the cookie aisle, encouraging mussy-haired moppets to determine ratios of cost to value.We’re the only ones in the library fielding questions from second graders about the breeding habits of aquatic mammals.

It’s like wearing a target on your back: “Homeschoolers, eh? And what are we learning about today, children?”

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BookShark Assignment Rehearsed on Broadway Stage

Every homeschool family is unique, with its own reasons for homeschooling. This post introduces you to one BookShark family who has been using our programs for three years so far. Iain is a theater enthusiast in the second grade. We spoke to his mom Lee about her choice to educate at home and how BookShark suits their lifestyle.

Why did you choose to homeschool?

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4 Uncomfortable Feelings That Mean You Are Doing a Good Job as a Homeschool Mom

mom stands in front of a red background with a negative smirk on her face

4 Uncomfortable Feelings That Mean You Are Doing a Good Job as a Homeschool MomHomeschooling is full of challenges from choosing curriculum to managing multiple lesson plans for different ages. But one of the biggest obstacles for many homeschool moms is dealing with negative feelings about their choices. There’s reason to take heart, though. Feeling self-doubt as a homeschooler can actually be a good sign. Here are four uncomfortable feelings that mean you are actually doing a fantastic job as a homeschool mom.

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5 Reasons You May Not Be The Right Person to Teach A Subject to Your Kids

yellow post it notes on a turquoise background

As a homeschooling parent, you’re in charge of teaching everything to your kids, right? Not necessarily. Here are five situations where it might be best for you to back off from teaching a certain subject to one of your children.

As a homeschooling parent, you may discover that a subject you found difficult in school is suddenly easier to understand as you’re teaching it to your own kids.

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Active Play Is a Huge Homeschool Perk

active play for homeschool, homeschool recess

Of course you have already heard a myriad of reasons why homeschooling is such a great educational option. Your probably have your own extensive list of the advantages you've discovered through personal experience. On my own list, I would cite these perks of homeschooling:the freedom to teach what I want when I want, time to allow my children to learn at their own pace, and increased family time.

There is one reason that doesn't always make it on the lists of reasons to homeschool. But I think it's one of the biggest advantages homeschoolers have over those who educate in a more traditional setting.

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Shake Up Your Homeschool Routine with These 5 Unexpected Flips

an amusement park ride spins

Homeschooling parents may rely on routines to keep their children organized and on schedule. After a while, though, even the best homeschooling routine can begin to feel a bit stale. And that’s the time when parents (and children) are the most likely to experience homeschool burnout.

An easy way to break out of a homeschool rut is to shake up the routine. A simple change or two can breathe new life into homeschooling even if it’s only used for a few days. These five ways to shake up a homeschool are easy ways to get everyone excited about learning again.

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What Is a Morning Basket?

a cloth lined basked holds books

If you’re using BookShark as your main homeschool curriculum, you and your children likely love to read inspiring, educational literature. While BookShark provides plenty of literature as part of the curriculum, some homeschoolers also enjoy incorporating a morning basket into their daily routine.

A morning basket is simply a collection of books on a variety of topics (beyond the ones you’re already using with your curriculum) that you store in a basket and work with daily.

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4 Surefire Ways to Raise a Child Who Loves to Read

a girl with loose pigtails reads a purple book in front of a bookcase

A child who loves to read usually grows up into an adult who loves to learn. While all school children receive instruction in reading from their teachers, homeschool families have a unique opportunity to encourage an enthusiastic love for reading at any time.

Despite this flexibility, it can be challenging to help kids develop a genuine love for reading, especially as a pastime. Try these surefire ways to raise a child who loves to read! (Of course, nothing is guaranteed, but these will help you get closer to the goal.)

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