How to Manage Multiple BookShark Programs in a Single School Year
- By Roxanne Raiche
- Sep 19, 2017
This year my family will be using three BookShark programs with my three children. Yes, you read that right—three separate levels: Level D, Level H, and Level I. Homeschooling multiple children all on different levels can be a daunting task, but don’t let that discourage you from starting this new and worthwhile adventure. If I can do it, so can you. Here's how I manage multiple BookShark programs in one year.
1. Supplement & Customize Carefully
When ordering your BookShark program, the customization tab offers a variety of choices and add-on options. I recommend taking your time when making these selections and purchasing the recommended supplements that your children can complete on their own or with little supervision from you, the parent.
- Choose a math curriculum that is not workload-heavy for the instructor. For example, Teaching Textbooks provides computer instruction that most children can handle on their own.
- Wordly Wise vocabulary workbooks can be added to most of the BookShark Language Arts programs. They are very easy for children to use without your help.
- Incorporate STEM projects that can be completed individually or with a sibling, rather than with you.
2. Organize for Efficiency
As we all know, BookShark programs come with a lot of amazing materials. All of these books need to find a place in your home library while not getting lost among your larger collection. I purchased a 3x3 cube shelf (visible in the photo on this post) to keep the books we are working on for the month right next to our homeschool table.
My children have all the needed materials right at their fingertips, and I only need to prep the shelf once a month. I store the extra books that we are not currently using on a separate bookcase with dedicated shelves for each level. With this system, I never have to frantically search for our materials.
Are you out of shelf space? It can happen quickly after buying just a few BookShark programs! There are so many books! Try using some of these alternate book storage methods:
- book baskets
- tote bags
- portable carts
- magazine folders
- file cabinets
3. Learn to Flex
When you are teaching multiple levels, there are bound to be gaps of time when your children will have to wait their turn for your help. Be flexible and allow your children to join in with their sibling’s materials, or allow them to work quietly on something else. When my kids have to wait for me, I encourage them to use their downtime on something quiet, relaxing, and possibly creative:
- doodling on scrap paper
- building with Legos
- extra recreational reading
- playing with play dough or kinetic sand
- playing tic-tac-toe or checkers
4. Foster Teamwork
Encourage your children to help each other. There are times when my oldest son takes on an instructor role when I am working with one of his younger siblings. Does this mean he is teaching everything for me? Absolutely not. He will, however, help answer math questions or help clean up an experiment if I am right in the middle of something.
This helper role is a great life experience for children. We all know that teaching reinforces your own knowledge. I have seen firsthand the confidence my children have after successfully helping a sibling through a lesson. And teaching it to a brother or sister anchors that knowledge deeply into their memory.
The very best advice I can give you when using multiple BookShark programs in a single year is to stay calm and don’t be afraid to modify a program to fit your family. You most likely will have a few bad days, hit a few bumps in the road, and even want to quit at times… Those moments will pass, and tomorrow is a new day.
Roxanne Raiche is a book hoarding, coffee loving, homeschooling mama of three in Iron Mountain, Michigan. She is the voice behind Blushing Bibliophile.