75 Ways to Love Homeschool Physical Education

a boy climbs on playground equipment

When we first began homeschooling, I never thought about adding PE to our schedule. I knew my boys were active on their own without any coaxing. I figured that as long as we kept moving, we’d be developing motor skills. I didn't see a need to add a formal Physical Education course to our routine. Lately, I have been more intentional about adding physical activity into our days, and I do that using a wide range of activities like the seventy-five options below.

Homeschool PE in the Backyard and Around the House

Exercising with children, tweens, and teens doesn’t require a lot of money or even much specialized equipment. We tend to look for ways to get PE accomplished with supplies and materials we already have around the house. We try to keep mixing it up so that we don’t get bored. And we take the liberty to make up our own rules for standard games just to make them more interesting. Sometimes we mix school facts into the games for extra review.

1. Wiffle ball/baseball

2. Basketball

3. Throwing and catching

4. The monkey bars and swing set

5. Hopscotch (Can be done on tile floors with a masking tape outline.)

6. Exercise video

7. Dance marathon

8. Ping pong

9. Air hockey

10. Foosball

11. Lifting weights (You can use soup cans and water bottles as weights, too!)

12. Jump rope

13. Using tools to dig trenches and build forts

14. Running

15. Building an obstacle course

16. Skateboarding

17. Shoveling snow

18. Making snow forts

19. Volleyball

20. Corn hole

21. Going for walks around the neighborhood

22. Riding scooters & bikes

23. Water play with sprinklers or slip and slide

24. Jumping jacks

25. Push ups and sit ups

26. Heavy household chores

27. Playing Twister

28. Yardwork

29. Juggling

Homeschool PE that Requires a Bit of Money or Travel

There are some really great exercise opportunities out there that I want my children to be able to experience. This often means spending a little money and getting out of the house. Lessons and organized sports require more of a commitment of time and money but can be well worth it. We also enjoy taking advantage of homeschooling days at our trampoline parks, roller skating rink, and ice skating rink.  

30. Karate lessons

31. Gymnastics

32. Aerial obstacle courses

33. Trampoline park

34. Inflatable play places

35. Organized sports through our town's recreation department

36. Hockey

37. Ice skating

38. Treadmill or elliptical machine in your home gym

39. Wii sports or other active video games

40. Bowling 

41. Skiing or snowboarding

42. Dance lessons

43. Homeschool gym classes

44. Horseback riding lessons

45. Golfing

46. Fencing classes

47. Boxing or kickboxing

Homeschool PE with Other Kids

75 Ways to Love Physical Education as Homeschoolers

There is nothing like getting together with other kids their own ages to inspire my boys to get up and get moving. We often meet up with other homeschooling families during the day. Sometimes we play organized games; other times we let the kids run around and decide what they’d like to do. Some of our favorite new games have been introduced to us through other families. Best of all, getting together with other families allows us to play sports that require more players.  

48. Local parks and playground get togethers

49. Kick ball

50. Dodge ball

51. Pick up games of soccer, baseball, basketball, etc.

52. Capture the flag

53. Gaga ball

54. Hosting a homeschool field day

55. Playing tennis at the town courts

56. Playing at the skate boarding park

57. Nerf gun fights

58. Limbo contests

59. Classic kid's games like Red Rover, Mother May I, and Red Light Green Light

60. Double Dutch

61. Chinese Jump Rope

Homeschool PE with the Family

We have so much fun exercising as a family. We enjoy trying new things and encouraging each other to keep trying. We enjoy making family memories while trying to stay fit and healthy. I firmly believe kids learn by example, so it’s only fitting that we’d plan activities we can all do together.   

62. Bike riding

63. Kayaking

64. Swimming 

65. Body surfing or boogie boarding at the beach

66. Indoor rock climbing

67. Snow sledding

68. YMCA family membership and classes

69. Hiking

70. Letterboxing

71. Geocaching

72. Roller skating at the local rink on family night

73. Yoga

74. Walking around the mall, zoo, aquarium, etc.

75. Paddle boat rides

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