4 Benefits of Reading Aloud to Your Children
By Misty Bailey
- Sep 6, 2017

One of the fondest memories I have of my childhood is my mom reading with me. We read books like Call of the Wild, Little House on the Prairie, and Misty of Chincoteague. Now as a homeschool mom, I am creating those same kinds of memories with my children with the Read-Alouds from our curriculum.
But reading aloud to our children provides so much more than memories. It provides long lasting benefits that can carry on throughout childhood and into adulthood.
1. Reading aloud creates readers.
Making the time to read with our children at a young age encourages them to love books.
I love this saying from Emilie Buchwald: “Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”
It reminds us that by demonstrating the value of reading, we are creating readers of our children.
2. Reading aloud builds language skills.
Reading aloud to our children introduces them to new words and expands their vocabulary. A study conducted by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in Melbourne, found that children who are read to more often in preschool score higher on national tests in both language skills and cognitive development. Children who are frequently read to tend to have larger vocabularies because they are introduced to new words through books. A child is not going to know or say a word unless they have heard it before, and reading books expands their vocabulary by leaps and bounds!
3. Reading aloud increases a child’s chance of academic success.
Reading aloud and discussing the book as you read increases a child’s level of comprehension. These skills put them ahead when starting school, and this advantage continues throughout the early elementary years.
4.Reading aloud nurtures relationships.
Reading aloud with your children is a great experience as a family. Try reading in the evenings after dad is home. While reading together, your family can share the emotions of the book. Families can cry together, laugh together, and rejoice together while reading a good book!
As your children get older, continue reading aloud to them. When children are able to read themselves, they can still benefit from all of the above. Enjoy the time you have together even after elementary school. Continue building relationships and continue reaping the benefits of reading aloud.
About the Author
Misty Bailey is a homeschool mom of three and has been homeschooling for over 5 years. You can read about her homeschool journey and more on her blog, Joy in the Journey.