Tagged with 'how to homeschool'

When Homeschooling Gets Tough

homeschooling gets tough

When Homeschooling Gets ToughHomeschooling is a deeply rewarding journey, but let's be honest—it can also be incredibly challenging. The daily grind of lessons, managing a household, and trying to maintain balance can wear even the most dedicated homeschool parent down. If you’re feeling overwhelmed today, know that you’re not alone.

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Choosing a Homeschool Program for Gifted Students

The Best Homeschool Program for Gifted Students with BookShark

The Best Homeschool Program for Gifted Students with BookSharkA homeschool program for gifted students like BookShark, with its fiction, nonfiction, poetry, discussions, and Instructor’s Guide is a perfect spine for a gifted homeschool family because it allows for the depth and breadth, rabbit trails, and adaptation that an asynchronous gifted child needs most.

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Surviving the Homeschool Cycle: A Guide to Navigating the Ups and Downs

Surviving the Homeschool Cycle: A Guide to Navigating the Ups and Downs

Surviving the Homeschool Cycle: A Guide to Navigating the Ups and Downs“Let’s demystify homeschooling, shall we? Homeschooling isn’t just an educational choice; it’s a way of life and it’s messy! As someone who has walked this path for a while, I've come to realize that treating homeschooling as a separate entity from life and parenting only leads to frustration when expectations aren’t met.

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A homeschool success


Nurturing a personalized and flexible educational approach, homeschooling empowers parents to support their children's unique learning styles and interests. The guiding influence of dedicated parents continues to be a driving force, enabling their children to thrive in higher education, pursue entrepreneurial ventures, or seamlessly integrate into the workforce. Join Janna and her guest Jennifer Willis in part two of Homeschool Success and hear how Jennifer has taken charge of guiding her children into into the educational avenue that suits them the best.

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Homeschool Style: Do What Works

Homeschool Style: Do What Works

Homeschool Style: Do What Works“Do you ever scroll through social media and drool over other homeschool family’s pictures and posts? Their morning baskets are full of perfect books for every holiday or season, a matching craft, and a cute chalkboard sign that has a cute saying for the day on it.

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Homeschooling In The Last Frontier



The last frontier, no it's not space but it may feel as vast, is the state of Alaska! With wide open spaces, it can sometimes feel even lonelier when homeschooling. But homeschooling is truly what you make it and in keeping with the premise of Homeschool Your Way today’s podcast covers homeschooling, community, and of course a helpful hack or two. Join Janna and her guest Carol Simpson, an IDEA representative, as they discuss homeschooling options in Alaska and ways to make homeschooling, if not easy may be easier for you.

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How We Both Do and Don't Homeschool Year-round

school supplies against a red background

Choosing to homeschool will change the way you think about a lot of things. The longer I homeschool, the more the lines between school and life blur, and that makes it hard for me to answer the question of whether or not we are year-round homeschoolers. Maybe you have this problem, too?

I don’t assign math in the summer months. June through August, I don’t ask my sons to save their work or projects in a three ring binder in our homeschool closet.

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