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Homeschooling is a deeply rewarding journey, but let's be honest—it can also be incredibly challenging. The daily grind of lessons, managing a household, and trying to maintain balance can wear even the most dedicated homeschool parent down. If you’re feeling overwhelmed today, know that you’re not alone.
“See the top 8 reasons families homeschool. Homeschooling is a personalized and flexible approach to education that allows families to tailor their children's learning experiences to fit their individual needs and interests."
“Let’s demystify homeschooling, shall we? Homeschooling isn’t just an educational choice; it’s a way of life and it’s messy! As someone who has walked this path for a while, I've come to realize that treating homeschooling as a separate entity from life and parenting only leads to frustration when expectations aren’t met.
Nurturing a personalized and flexible educational approach, homeschooling empowers parents to support their children's unique learning styles and interests. The guiding influence of dedicated parents continues to be a driving force, enabling their children to thrive in higher education, pursue entrepreneurial ventures, or seamlessly integrate into the workforce. Join Janna and her guest Jennifer Willis in part two of Homeschool Success and hear how Jennifer has taken charge of guiding her children into into the educational avenue that suits them the best.
Ever dreamed of just packing up and leaving it all behind? That’s exactly what the Tilby’s did in 2018. From traveling along the concrete lines of pavement to flipping RV’s with the children, they took their lives and their five children on the road and have documented their journey along the way. Join Janna as she and Renee discuss life on the road and life’s expectations.
Can you believe that it is almost a new year? In this time of transition from one year to the next let's take a moment to be grateful for all that we have and for our guests, who have given us so much wonderful insight into their homeschooling journey.
Being a parent often entails wrestling with FOMO, the fear of missing out, particularly when it comes to our children's experiences and opportunities. The grass can appear greener on the side of traditional schooling, with its social activities and structured environments. However, homeschooling requires constant evaluation and adjustment to what is best for our families and kids.
Join us as we support the homeschooling community to spotlight a range of dyslexic needs, struggles, signs, while bringing awareness to the issue of dyslexia. Our host, Janna, met with Sophia D’Antonio, a diagnosed dyslexic and gifted homeschooler.
One of the most difficult decisions as a parent is figuring out your child’s education. It’s definitely been the biggest stressor so far for me. Starting when our daughter was young as 18 months, we stressed over whether it was better to have her attend an in-home preschool, a public preschool, or (what we finally decided upon) a Montessori school.