Tagged with 'writing anxiety'




Join Janna and her guest Dustin Stevens, Founder of Good English Tutors as they discuss the importance of prewriting, brainstorming, and organizing ideas through outlining before drafting. Learn how all the steps of the writing process involves revising, editing, and finalizing, with the added step of sharing or publishing serve as a powerful motivator for students.

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Five Writing Activities for Reluctant, Anxious Writers

anxious writers

Getting started is the hardest part of writing. What if I don’t know what to say? What if no one likes what I’m saying? What if I’m saying it wrong? These fears can paralyze reluctant writers.

That’s pretty much the case in my homeschool: while my daughter loves to read and tell stories, writing anything down tends to throw her into panic mode.

What’s a homeschool parent to do, then, when a child struggles to write?

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