Homeschooling Through Change: How it Feels and How to Cope
By Kelly Sage
- Nov 6, 2018

Today I am the homeschool mom who is going through big life changes and feeling overwhelmed. In the last 30 days, my husband and I made a big life decision, totaled both of our cars, and put an offer on a house. That's a lot of chaos, mental energy, and physical upheaval in a short period of time!
When people ask how I am, I’m not sure how to answer.
- I feel gratitude. Only the cars and (sadly) a deer was hurt.
- I feel excitement. We’ve wanted to be homeowners and put down roots for so long. It's finally happening!
- I am also overwhelmed and nervous. My mind is constantly spinning.
- I’m not sleeping well.
- My stomach is a mess.
- I’m not sure I’m doing anything well.
I feel all of these things at once and as a result, I feel numb. How am I really doing? I am a zombie. I move from one task to another, letting my long to-do lists lead the way. I’m not sure what day it is. Everything feels hard.
When Change Makes Homeschooling Take a Backseat
One of the hardest parts to all this change is the truth that homeschooling has taken a back seat. When I say this out loud, whoever is listening assures me it is okay and reminds me to be gentle with myself. I know they are right and these crazy days are coming to an end, but it does not take away the fact that I have hate not having time for Read-Alouds or the energy to play games. My patience for crafting and projects is nonexistent, and the fact that my kids have had so many boring days weighs heavy on me.
How I'm Surviving My Period of Change
I don’t have a list of answers or tips to offer you. That’s not true. I have a very short list of what's working for me in my time of change:
- making lists
- asking for help
- ordering takeout
- movie marathons
Big changes like birth, death, and moving are really hard. There isn’t a quick self-care tip that makes everything okay. Big changes mess up our schedules and rhythms and when we learn at home, change can make homeschooling feel ten times harder.
Pressing Through the Change to Get Back to Routine
What can be done? In my case, and I think in most cases, we have to ride the waves until we find a new normal. We can remind ourselves that soon enough we’ll be back on track with homeschool lessons, surrounded by piles of books and puddles of paint.
We look for moments—dinnertime, bathtime, bedtime—to read books together or just talk. We take family walks, watch our favorite shows, turn off our phones, and wear pajamas all day.
Until the dust settles—or in our case, until the boxes are unpacked—I should stop worrying, stop pressuring myself to hurry up and get us back on track with homeschool immediately. That is the kindest thing to do when facing big life changes.
Yes, this season of change and chaos has reminded me of the well-known fact that I can’t do it all. But it has also reminded me that I love homeschooling. I love our routines and rhythms. I love my time with my children.
And when the dust settles, I'll appreciate our day to day homeschool life even more than I did before. Until then, I keep doing hard things, riding the waves, and moving forward.
About the Author
Kelly left teaching middle and high school English to homeschool her children and reclaim how she and her family spent their time. Followers of interest-led learning, her family's days rarely look the same, but they tend to include a lot of books, art supplies, and time outside.
Kelly facilitates local writing circles for women and children and blogs about nurturing the love of learning on her blog, Curiosity Encouraged. She loves to journal, read memoirs, hike, and travel. She seeks quiet mornings and good coffee daily.