Story of the World, Volume 1 - Audio Version

These CDs may be used along with the printed book. Approximately 8 hours on 7 CDs. Unabridged.


These CDs may be used along with the printed book. Approximately 8 hours on 7 CDs. Unabridged.

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History, told in a story-book style that covers the events from 500 BC to 400 AD, journeys from Ancient Mesopotamia through Egypt and Babylonia, to Greek culture and Ancient Rome. This fact-filled tome comes in a voice that is easy even for young children. Chapters in narrative form occasionally even include ancient fairy tales and thoughts of what life would be like for a child during that time period.

These CDs may be used along with the printed book. Approximately 8 hours on 7 CDs. Unabridged.

The decision to homeschool our daughter, Alexa, was an easy one. Choosing a curriculum that worked well with her goals and schedule was a little more difficult.

Jenna Henning