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Vocabulary Vine
A Spiral Study of Latin & Greek Roots
A Spiral Study of Latin & Greek Roots
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Unlock Over 100,000 Words with Latin and Greek Roots!
The majority of words in the English language are built upon a foundation of Latin and Greek word roots that have specific meanings. A root is combined with another root or with affixes (prefixes and suffixes) to create a word. Vocabulary Vine helps you learn and internalize a multitude of roots as well as prefixes. When you recognize roots and prefixes, you'll have almost no trouble deciphering the meaning of tens of thousands of words.
According to a prep guide for the SAT, students who know just 50 key word parts can unlock the meaning of 100,000 words. So imagine how many more words they can unlock with 108 key word parts!
Vocabulary Vine students learn Study Root spellings, definitions, origins, and for each Root, three familiar example words that use the Root. Students then write all of this information on an index card and keep it for later review and reference. Vocabulary Vine uses spiral learning, a preview-study-review pattern, throughout the entire program. This improves long-term retention. For example, a student learns the Study Root tele, which is Greek for "far away." One of the Example Words that uses the Study Root tele is "telegraph." Graph is also a Study Root to be examined later. A reference number indicates where and when it appears in the Vocabulary Vine Program.
Students must learn only three Study Roots a week to finish the 108-Root List within a 36-week school year.
Includes suggestions for twelve optional zero-preparation Learning Games to keep the program fun and fresh.
The decision to homeschool our daughter, Alexa, was an easy one. Choosing a curriculum that worked well with her goals and schedule was a little more difficult.
Jenna Henning